Your comprehensive guide to buying the right headset for your phone.


  • PRODUCTIVITY – Free up your hands to make notes, search for documents or use your computer
  • IMPROVE HEALTH – Reduced back and neck pain. Freedom to stand, stretch and exercise while you talk
  • COMMUNICATE BETTER – Noise Cancellation Options. Fixed position Mic. Block out background sound.
  • ENHANCED FOCUS – Pace at will while you talk and move to a quiet place to avoid distraction

Wired or Wireless Headsets?

Wired Headsets:

 Pros – They can be much cheaper than wireless options. They can simply be unplugged and a different wired headset plugged in, which is useful for shift working and to maintain hygiene.

 Cons – You can only move a limited distance from the phone. Sound quality and security is no better than Wireless headsets, using DECT for reliability.

Wireless Headsets:

 Pros – Cordless headsets offer you complete freedom to move around at a significant distance from your desk, unhampered by cables.

 Cons – Generally more expensive than wired but plenty of cheaper options available. Unnecessary if you need to be at your desk/ computer.

Binaural or Monaural Headsets?

Monaural Headsets:

 Pros – If you are on the phone but still need to be able to hear colleagues etc around you, then a monaural (single-ear) headset is preferable. There are varying sizes to fit different ears comfortably .

 Cons – Conversely if you want to cut out any background noise you may want to have both ears covered. Also you only hear in mono.

Binaural Headsets:

 Pros – If you work in an open plan office, a binaural (two-ear) headset can block out distracting noises. As there are dual speakers you hear in stereo.

 Cons – It makes it more difficult to hear colleagues while you are on the call, where their input may be required (eg in a call centre).

Over Ear or Over Head?

This is more of a case of personal preference. Over the Head Headsets are generally more popular if they are to remain on throughout the day as they generally remain in the most fixed position.

However, there are many snugly fitting over the ear options now available and these are generally more stylish, lightweight and less likely to mess with your hair! You can also get convertible models that combine over the head and over the ear to suit your mood.

Other Considerations When Buying Headsets

Headset Manufacturer

We stock all leading manufacturers of telephone headsets and can recommend different makes/models based on your budget and priorities – speech quality, style, robustness etc.

New or Refurbished Headsets

While some will insist on new, please note that our range of refurbished headsets are significantly cheaper than new and come with a full warranty. All refurbished headsets come with new consumables such as ear cushions, voice tubes and windshields.

Headset Connection Leads

Wired headsets need these to connect to the phone. It is important to make sure that you are using a compatible headset and lead. We can advise accordingly on this.

Active Noise Cancellation

By using active noise control, ANC enabled headsets cancel lower frequency noise and counter ambient sound to improve your audio experience.

Hook Switch or Lifter

You either need a handset lifter or electronic hook switch depending on your phone type. With a lifter you need to install this below the handset piece on your phone. With a hook switch, you can just press the button on your headset to activate the call without lifting the receiver.

Rather discuss this over the phone?

Please don’t hesitate to call our Team of headset experts to get the right solution for you.


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